Hi There!

Welcome to the Red.Line.Challenge.

My Name is Moritz, i am 34 Years old and i am a nurse since arround 13 Years. At the Moment i am a Student of anthropology and German literature. I am planing to go from Cologne, Germany, to the Island Lesbos in Greece by bike in about 2 Month.

I am going to Start at 01.08.2021 out of my backyard in Cologne. Please follow me online during the Trip and lets get a better impression of what is going on at european borders together and lets see what needs to be done to save lifes. I think thats werth it. I dont want to be privileged if others have to suffer therefore. As i said, i am a nurse and my parents have been nurses too. It is probably a syndrom or something, but i really want to help, even if it is not easy, because thats what mentions help as help, it is often not easy to do.

I am already collecting money for Organisations which are already helping activley at Lesbos or else where. The refugee crises is nothing that will be solved tomorrow so we probably should fight it as good as possible, to at least mitigate the Problem. I try what i can. If you dont know how you could help, you perhaps should just donate a few Euro to support the help that is done by others every Day without being seen.

Being a refugee is never a good Thing, no matter what far rights are trying to Tell you. 


Kind Regards!

PS. You find the Donation Button under „Spenden/ Donation“ i will translate more of the page by the time.
